Where can I get tsetse attractants?

Acetone and butanone are readily available from many chemical suppliers, being widely used as solvents in chemical processes and products.
Octenol is available in small quantities from most chemical suppliers. Larger quantities are available from International Fragrances and Flavors Ltd.
4-Methylphenol and 3-methylphenol are readily available in bulk from most chemical suppliers, e.g. SigmaAldrich.
3-Propylphenol is not generally available, and cannot be substituted by 4-propylphenol or 3-isopropylphenol which are more widely available. It can be obtained from Great Lakes Fine Chemicals (UK) (formerly Palmer Research) or Appropriate Applications.
Cattle are a source of all these chemicals! But only their urine can be usefully used as a source of phenols.